Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of School

I think that it is funny how we have been dreading the first day of school, until the last few days of summer, and then we were ready to go and start a new year!!! That is how it was this morning..Kids were everywhere and even Emi was dressed in her favorite ladybug T-shirt, ready to get Jules off and on her way..We arrived alomst 30 min. before the bell rang and 50% of the students were there in the classrooms, taking a seat in there new desks, ready to check in school supplies!!! I hope the excitement lasts!!

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Party, Party, Party!!

What started as a rainy, slow day, turned into a great day for a party!! The kids had a great time playing on the slide and ate almost the entire cake!!! We had a great time, and by the looks of it, the kids did too!!

Oh what a Birthday!!!

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